Loan Servicing Sign In

Where is my loan serviced?

  • If you pay your bill to CEE it is serviced by us. Contact us at 855-296-5626 or

  • ​If you pay your bill to AmeriNat your loan is serviced by them. Contact AmeriNat by phone at (800) 943-1988; via email at; or visit their website at

  • If you pay your bill to Community Reinvestment Fund (CRF) your loan is serviced by them. Contact CRF at (866) 440-2570, via email at; or by visiting their website


The current loan subordination processing fee is $200.00, with exception to Ramsey County loans which are $150.00.

If you need to subordinate a Center for Energy and Environment loan to a new 1st Mortgage, contact us at 855-296-5626 or

CEE's Full Subordination Policy

CEE's Loan Servicing Data Privacy Policy